Fireworks: festive fun or danger?

For many people, including myself, fireworks are a symbol of celebration. When the sky is lit with sparks, and the night is ablaze with colour, a sense of festive spirit comes alive. As well as being a source of global entertainment, fireworks are often a central component to many cultural and religious events. With their earliest documentation dating back to 7th century China, these ‘low explosive pyrotechnics’ have long since been a part of global festivities. Although, not everyone shares the joy and excitement for these vibrant displays.

Often being branded as loud and ‘triggering’, they are a frequent source of annoyance for many members of the public. With their thunderous sounds and ear-splitting shrieks, it is easy to see why many people do not share an enthusiasm for fireworks. For those who choose not to take part in such celebrations, the sounds of incessant banging can quickly grow tiresome. However, this is not the only concern that has been brought forward.

Whilst fireworks have become somewhat of a festive expectation, especially during bonfire night and new year’s eve, the impact that they have is often overlooked. With copious amounts of chemicals and toxins being released into the air, fireworks are a further concern to the wellbeing and health of the public. Moreover, with reports of fireworks being set up on front doorsteps, and the number of number of related incidents rocketing sky high, is it not time for the safety of these explosive devices to be called into question?

Whilst many adults become have causalities of firework displays, it is the younger members of society that are often affected. Despite the fact that the legal age of purchase is 18, many minors still manage to gain access to these devices and are involved in serious injuries every year due to a lack of safety precautions put in place. If stricter regulations were to be put in place, we may see a decrease in the number of incidents that so often occur.

Overall, it is clear that fireworks aren’t the main problem here, it is the irresponsibility of many individuals using them. The severity of misusing explosives needs to be reinforced if we are to try and reduce the number of accidents and fatalities. Not only would this benefit the welfare of the public, it would also make the lives of those working in emergency services much easier. Whether stricter regulations are put in place or the government enforces further safety precautions, it is time for something to happen.

Perhaps it would be best to just limit the use of fireworks to organised events (this would surely save the public the stress of accidental back-garden bonfires). Under controlled conditions, they are just as enjoyable and are without the risk of injury. By limiting the use of fireworks in this way, this would also benefit member of the public who wish not to engage in such displays. But until further methods of safety are enforced, there is nothing that can be done.

Rachael Dickinson
(Image courtesy of Eaves Opticians)

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