Angelina Jolie: intelligence and elegance at its finest

Angelina Jolie is undoubtedly one of the most famous and influential women in the world. She is constantly in the media for her career, her relationship with Brad Pitt, her children and her work with the UN. When these are combined it is clear to see how she has become such an identifiable brand. This became more apparent when she was ranked Number 1 in Forbes’ 100 Most Powerful Celebrities back in 2009, surpassing the likes of Beyoncé, Madonna and Oprah Winfrey.

Since rising to fame Jolie has used her status and wealth to raise awareness and help those less fortunate. She achieves this by not just drawing attention to a matter but by actually impacting it, to improve the situation whilst simultaneously influencing people to support the cause. Angelina in recent years has been recognised for her support and aid on behalf of refugees around the globe. This is not just something she is passionate about but it is part of her role as a UN High Commissioner for Refugees Goodwill Ambassador.

After corresponding with the UN about the effects of war and poverty in Cambodia, she became more involved in the movement for change and was soon appointed UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador. Other ambassadors will speak publically about these issues in an attempt to gain more support but Angelina sets herself apart form the majority, as she is more hands on in her approach. Alongside public speeches she visits the countries and areas in need to offer what aid she can give.

She began field work back in 2001, meeting refugees in more than 20 countries including Cambodia, Pakistan, Ecuador, Kenya, Egypt, Chad, Iraq, and Syria. Both her and her partner at the time Brad Pitt set up ‘The Jolie-Pitt Foundation’, dedicated to helping conserve natural resources and wildlife and decreasing cases of poverty. The foundation offers aid to almost 60 countries who are under threat of issues such as conflict, violence and malnutrition.

In terms of her career, Jolie has been incredibly varied with her acting roles, receiving critical acclaim and an Oscar win in 2000. She has also started directing films such as In The Land of Blood and Honey, By the Sea and Unbroken. In 2013 she won the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences at the Governors Awards ceremony. The award is given to an individual who was contributed exceptionally to humanitarian causes.

There is no question of Angelina Jolie’s commitment and dedication to helping others. Not only is she widely recognised as a good mother, actress, director and UN Ambassador but she uses her status and power to influence her fans to support different charities and foundations that will enact change. Angelina Jolie is definitely a powerful woman and that’s why she’s this weeks Woman of The Week.

Hannah Snutch

(Photo credit:

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