Review – Brotherhood Halloween Party at Freedom Mills

Rising from its humble beginnings, Brotherhood Sound System have developed an eclectic brand and soundsystem working closely with the likes of Jungle Jam, Just a Little and Vagabanondz in throwing some of the most high energy parties in Leeds.

This Halloween promised a continuation of their high octane bookings as the festive mist hovered in the Yorkshire air. The venue? Freedom Mills. Correct choice? Debatable. Although their attempt to highlight some of the less well-known venues in Leeds must be commended, it has to be said however, that the industrial creative space was a questionable venue for a Halloween blow-out. The dance floor was slightly on the small side and not helped by the toilet queues which would rival those of Hyde Park Pub during quids in. Despite this, the intimate setting alongside the ever friendly crowd meant that the night was not tainted (as much), and the selection of bangers went a long way to ensure the daylight saving time was put into good use.

I arrived towards the end of the warm-up set and inevitably the place was near capacity as Space Dimension Controller kicked off his trance-heavy set, taking the vibe back by around 20 years. Leeds turned 1990s Berlin with the smoke and lasers beaming through the dancefloor. With the selection of music ranging from tech house to Heart FM Classics and everything in between, the strange vibe for the night resonated around the venue and into the equally strange smoking area. It was an atmosphere suited to the occasion, and at the end of the day we all had a laugh.

Alex Ogilvie and Amy Alford saw the night out and finishing with a Prince classic was a nice touch. Not their best work, but the attention to detail the Brotherhood brand puts in their parties cannot go unappreciated.

They continue their mission to bring obscure locations out of the shadows with their end of term party at Northern Monk Brewery on 10th December. I’ll be there and it’s guaranteed to be an experience, but maybe go to the toilet beforehand to avoid disappointment.

Zahaib Hussain


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