Lady Leshurr @ Belgrave, 30/10/16

As a self-declared queen, Lady Leshurr proved her royal status on Sunday evening at Belgrave. Despite the show not selling out and the venue being half-full, Lady Leshurr’s crown did not fall. Working through her ‘Queen’s Speech’ series, she gave the people what they wanted to hear. The ‘speeches’ were mixed with samples from different genre’s including Sister Nancy’s ‘Bam Bam’ as she reminded her fans of her Caribbean roots.


Often criticized for having a young fan base and producing music for 12 year-old chavs, Lady Leshurr gave a performance which would prove her haters wrong.  Despite being 5ft nothing, Leshurr’s presence on stage was one which was unforgettable. As she bounced around the stage spitting her somewhat cheesy yet hilarious bars, she did not fail to both entertain and humour her crowd. I would say that her interaction with the crowd was the most memorable part of the night. Leshurr loves her fans, and this was something that she strived to put across during the course of the night. As she was handing out £20 notes to the fans who could spit her ‘speeches’ the best, it seemed as though we were not watching a performer but rather one of our friends on stage. She even called three fans on stage to rap along to her famous ‘Queen’s Speech 4’. This was of course hilarious; however, the whole show wasn’t something to be laughed at. Leshurr went into some personal stories about her rise to fame and her battles with anxiety and depression, encouraging her fans that they too are all kings and queens and should own any battle they are struggling with.


The night ended on a high as she gave us a sneak peak of ‘Queens Speech 6’ which is set for release on the 31st of October. And of course, in a true Leshurr fashion, the night ended on a comic note, with Leshurr and her dancers handing our “crizzpy bacon” lip balm for “any lips that might be crispy over the cold winter months.”

Huul Erz

Image: Black Ballad

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