Review – RBMA Form & Function at Wire

Last Friday Wire hosted arguably its most impressive line up ever. It should have been amazing, but it just didn’t quite come together.

Things kicked off well, with Hyperdub’s Laurel Halo doing all kinds of interesting things I didn’t understand, flying between tracks, many of which were very nice. Then it was the turn of Objekt and Call Super, who I was probably most excited for. Though the full range of their considerable talents was on display, the sheer number of people stuffed into the sweaty catacombs was really testing the Wire sound system. It was at all times too loud, and at several points was definitely clipping. Despite the sound issues, I persevered and managed to get a good bit of arm flailing done, especially to the many tracks which had breakbeats in them.

After watching Marcel Dettmann play two very long and similar techno tunes to rapturous applause I headed upstairs, ears ringing, where I bumped into Objekt. This proved to be the highlight of the event, as during our brief conversation we were joined by a stranger who completely failed to recognise the producer and DJ to whose tasteful medley of electro and techno he had just been dancing for over three hours. I shall now relay their exchange in full:

Stranger: So, like, do you produce?

Objekt: Yeah a little bit.

Stranger: Oh sick, so do you DJ as well?

Objekt: Yeah man

Stranger: Oh cool, cool, do you use vinyl or CDJs?

Objekt: Both

Stranger: Oh nice one man, what sort of tunes do you play?

Objekt: Oh you know, a bit of gabber, a bit of donk.

Here, Objekt displayed a knack for timing and deadpan demeanour that was arguably more impressive than anything he did behind the decks that night. I then went back into the club to watch Marcel Dettmann with the stranger, which I quite enjoyed but I have to admit that I did get a bit bored of hearing kick drums on every crotchet.

I am told that this was the tune of the night, but by the time this was played I was tucked safely up in my bed.

Arthur Scott-Geddes

(Image supplied by Tandem PR)

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