The Uni’s Own Coffee Society: Revealed

Bringing people together who share the same appreciation for a cup of coffee, learning about a variety of coffee from local producers based in Leeds and, the best part, a good brew made right on campus from a selection of the finest coffee beans grown across the globe. Welcome to Leeds University Coffee Society. 

As a minimal decaf drinker, spending time drinking coffee was, admittedly, not how I would usually spend my Monday afternoon. However, after trying three different types of coffee beans supplied by businesses in Leeds, and drinking freshly ground coffee with a digestive Hobnob, I can say I am now hooked.

I discovered that the society was set up by a third year coffee fanatic in September 2015. His initial aim was to promote local coffee suppliers in Leeds and to make more students aware of the variety of coffee they could try right at their doorstep, instead of choosing the easy option of well-known coffee chains such as Costa or Café Nero.

Two suppliers based in Yorkshire, North Star Coffee Roasters and York Coffee Emporium, provide the society with free samples of beans for students to try. People get to try a range of flavoursome coffee beans for only £1, whilst having a chat with like-minded latte lovers each Monday.


I would recommend the ‘Cuban Coffee Serrano Lavado’ supplied by York Coffee Emporium, for those looking for a superbly rich and traditional full-bodied coffee from Cuba, with a lush smoky flavour. With a great mocha hit and no fruity acidity, you can savour the nuttiness of this coffee as a distraction from those pesky deadlines. 

Rich, delicious coffee is not all there is to it. Supporting independent businesses that put environmental sustainability and ethics at the top of their priority list, is what captured my heart. North Star Coffee Roasters was established in 2013 as the first coffee roastery in Leeds. It is dedicated to providing coffees of the highest quality by working with specialty-focused producers all over the world, and working directly with the farmers, ensuring they also profit from their own coffee farming and that the whole process is in line with International Labour Laws and environmental considerations. And as for their coffee, they didn’t disappoint. A well balanced and juicy brew – made from coffee beans from Guatemala Finca Rabanales, a farm just south of Guatemala’s capital – with sweet notes of red apple, orange and caramel, and hints of marzipan: it is the perfect choice for nearly any brew method, working well as espresso and filter, with milk or without.

My trip to the coffee gathering proved successful and I would definitely suggest attending one of the meet ups for a chance to taste delicious coffee and meet different people who all share the same enjoyment of a good cuppa.

Mary O’Gorman

(Images: courtesy of The Telegraph and LUU Coffee Society)

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