Khruangbin @ The Wardrobe, 19/10/16

The room is packed, some are fans at the front row but most, like me, seem to be at The Wardrobe out of pure curiosity. The lights change: blue and pink, to match the band’s most recent album cover The Universe Smiles Upon You. The crowd gets closer to the stage and Mark Speer (guitar), Laura Lee (bass) and Donald Johnson (drums) appear.

The audience is already on fire, cheering with drinks in hand; it’s a Wednesday night but everyone is ready to have a good time. From their first appearance on stage, we all know that it’s going to be amazing. Mark and his extravagant silver-grey suit, and Laura in her sparkly dress – wearing a glittery red lipstick – arrive on stage first, adjusting their wigs with massive smiles on their faces. Donald, more discreet, cowboy boots on, walks straight to his drums, each step, taking us further down in Texas.


Originally from Houston, Texas, Khruangbin (which literally means ‘engine fly’ or ‘aeroplane’ in Thai), is a three piece instrumental band worthy of a Tarantino movie soundtrack, with 1960’s and Thai funk influence added to soul and Rn’B foundation. Each song blends in perfectly with the next one, making the gig a long hour and thirty track, divided by pauses and interactions with the public.

Mark loves the attention, but adores his audience even more; between every piece, we get a detailed passionate explanation of it, or even an anecdote, taking us to the barn where they recorded their songs, between Houston, Austin, and cows; or even Laura telling us about the cow named after her, which inspired the title of ‘Calf Born In Winter’ and ‘Still Alive’.


The trio is like no other; the very few vocals transport The Wardrobe in a hypnotising dream, focussing on the instrumental quality and tightness of the group. The collective singing creates a more psychedelic sound, leaving the wild audience, at the end of the show, thirsty for more, and leading to a well deserved ‘encore’.

Khruangbin, you are musical geniuses, leaving me extremely impressed, and I am honoured to have been there for your first concert of your UK/Europe tour.
You didn’t reach my expectations, you exceeded them.

Sarah Ashford-Brown

All images by Meg Firth


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