WALLS by Kings of Leon

We Are Like Love Songs, or WALLS for short, is the new offering from musical heavyweights Kings of Leon. Sticking with their traditional five syllabled title, they’ve teamed up with Markus Dravs, who’s also worked with Arcade Fire and Coldplay, to produce their new album. As a big Kings of Leon fan I’ve been waiting a while for some new material. Besides the trippy cover artwork and the big production music videos, it’s not a ground breaking record. There’s no howlers like back in the days of Aha Shake Heartbreak, but it’s a solid album and I’m not disappointed.

They’ve come a long way since Youth and Young Manhood. Most of the band are now married with kids and the days of bar brawls are long behind them. Like Mechanical Bull, this album feels more mature and polished. As a band that’s been around for a while, they’ve managed to stay in the game and change with the times without losing their classic rocky sound. Caleb Followills gravelly vocals are so recognisable and raw, especially throughout ‘Walls’, a melodic ballad and their title track. Unlike other albums, every song from their new release is radio friendly and many feature big catchy choruses, particularly ‘Waste a Moment’ and ‘Around the World’. There is some experimentation with new sounds; ‘Reverend’ and ‘Muchacho’ feature really pretty guitar lines. It’s a departure from their usual style and it works.

Fans of the bands early rockier work may not be thrilled by this new album and turn their nose up at the safe songs, but the band still bring that Kings of Leon magic.

Fans who joined them after ‘Sex on Fire’ will definitely be happy.

Hannah Mason

(Image: Howl and Echoes)

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