The return of the UKing

Just when you thought he had finally gone for good, Nigel Farage has once again made his way through the ranks of UKIP and back onto our television screens. With his pompous smile (and alarmingly egocentric lifestyle), your least favourite politician is back in power and has been reinstated as leader of the UKIP party. No surprises there then.
Let’s face it, UKIP just wouldn’t be UKIP without Farage and his conceited, narcissistic values, or his overbearing views on immigration. His controversial views have been called into question on multiple occasions, in particular his comments on women as being ‘disadvantaged’ and ‘worth far less to the employer’ in the workforce. His bold claim – ‘nobody has done more in UKIP to promote women than I have’ – was certainly perplexing. His standpoint on immigration is also a contentious matter. Let’s not forget his claim of wanting to control the ‘quality’ of people entering Britain. Being in a position of considerable influence, these remarks could potentially spark a dangerous mindset amongst the British public.
Moreover, his significant hold over the population has already lead to what may be considered as the biggest blunder in modern UK politics – Brexit. His convoluted lies managed to sway the leave vote, with the plummet of the pound and shocking rises in the levels of racism as subsequent consequences. Following his sudden resignation, Farage attempted to disassociate himself from the mess he left behind. His sudden disinterest in discussing Brexit, however, has not dissuaded him from his public appearances. I’m sure that not only do I speak for myself, but for the rest of the country, when I say we want him gone.
For a short while, we thought we had seen the last of him – with his timely resignation following suit of Brexit. But it wasn’t long before his next attempt to reassert his infamous presence. It certainly came as no surprise to me to see him in league with Donald Trump; spreading his influence over the American population. His support for Trump is nothing unexpected. Both being likeminded in their opinions and approach, Farage seems to have finally met his match. I think Britain was glad to be rid of him, but with all joking aside it’s about high time we take a stand.
Ultimately, whilst Farage has become something of a laughing stock amongst the public, he should no longer be allowed to continue to spout his hateful and inherently racist opinions, especially in a position of such influence. Rather like the gum at the bottom of your shoe, he has stuck around for far too long and it’s time for him to go. I think we can all hope for a better future where we can turn on our television screens without being faced by the ungodly sight of Farage himself. This politician has long since over stayed his welcome, and there needs to be an end to this.

Rachael Dickinson

(Image courtesy of Konbini)

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