Twin Atlantic @ Leeds Beckett, 15/10/16

Their biggest headline gig to date at the SSE Hydro, an extremely well received album and rave reviews for their live shows have all transformed Twin Atlantic from musical underdogs to big names in the industry. Before they stepped on stage at Leeds Beckett Student Union, I was left wondering whether they would impress or disappoint.

You could ride the wave of electricity in the room as nine thirty hit and the band swaggered on stage. The room was far from full, but everyone had earned their stripes as Twin Atlantic enthusiasts; proof came when Sam asked “who’s seen us before?” The room erupted.

The first taste of sheer power came as they launched into the ferocious ‘Gold Elephant: Cherry Alligator’ – mediocre on record, a top class anthem live. In something of a reincarnation, the lads brought a previously unseen savagery that worked perfectly. ‘You Are the Devil’ was a jewel in the crown of their new sound, and easily the best song played from ‘GLA’. Even pop rock anthems, like ‘Brothers and Sisters’ and ‘Hold On’, were given a distorted revamp, a styling that worked perfectly.

Chat was kept to a minimum, but every song had a singalong of some kind, with ‘Crash Land’ taking pride of place as biggest singalong. The set was a great mixture of old and new, but ending on ‘No Sleep’ rather than ‘Heart and Soul’ was a questionable choice. Quality aside, the gig was heaps of fun. It’s clear Twin Atlantic have earned their place in the music industry, and, amongst the success, they haven’t lost the heart and soul that made them alluring in the first place.

Ben Roberts

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