Aurora @ Leeds Stylus, 16/10/16

The lights go down, except for one glowing golden spotlight in the centre of the stage. There stands Aurora, with such an otherworldly presence that in this moment I believe in the possibility of angels. She was definitely sent down to save us all.

Aurora is something of an enigma, managing to be simultaneously adorable and fierce. Throughout the night, she moves from the serene softness of moments like ‘Black Water Lilies’ – accompanied by whimsical dances and swaying – to wild leaps across stage during ‘Conqueror’. She switches so seamlessly between states it could give you whiplash. This intensity is only amplified by the vaguely claustrophobic space that is Stylus, packed out with people; the intimate venue allows the magic to radiate all around.

It is perhaps Aurora’s charming interaction with the audience that makes the show truly special. At times, she hands the microphone to members of the audience and allows them to talk, which is bizarre but endearing. Whilst the chosen few say nothing of great interest, the singer listens intently, and this display of trust and interest that makes this work. She is truly engaged with her audience, and emanates love.

The love that Aurora shows her fans is more than given back to her. From the moment she arrives on stage, there are wolf howls from every corner of the room, alluding to her popular song ‘Running With The Wolves’. When she finally launches into this song toward the end of the set, the energy in the air is electric. As 1000 people dance with reckless abandon, it is evident this wolf pack are hungry for more.

Sophia Simon-Bashall

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