In The Middle with Gabriel Bruce

I was privileged enough to meet up with the extremely talented yet humble Gabriel Bruce ahead of his show at Headrow House. Despite being incredibly nervous as a big fan of his, Gabriel was very down to earth, friendly, and more than willing to talk about his tour, experiences and brilliant music.This is the third date of your UK October tour, how has it been so far and since the release of new album Come all Sufferers?

It’s been interesting. I don’t have very many fans so when I release an album I hope that I might get some more, so I think I got four or five this time round. If I keep on doing it at this rate I will have a pretty decent following.

Do you ever get nervous before gigs?

I used to but not really anymore. I played my first gig when I was fourteen; I’m twnety-seven now so I have been doing it a long time. I think it’s to have complete disrespect for yourself and then you don’t mind if you make an arse of yourself. Knock yourself off that pedestal, then you’re free to wallow in the mud.

How was the process of making this album different to your last release in 2013?

I made Love in Arms with Craig Silvey, a fantastic record producer. We made the whole record in that studio over the course of a month; it was all traditionally recorded. My new album was made over two years with my laptop in my bag; the only thing I recorded in the studio were live drums. Self-producing it sort of became like learning a new instrument, it was very liberating. You’ve got to keep yourself interested in the process.

Do you do anything to keep yourself entertained on tour or in the studio?

I read books. I was playing Pokémon Go. I have always loved Pokémon. I once got mugged for my Pokémon cards, I was 11 years old and they cut me. I tell you what though, I kept the cards. I have a little scar on my chest.

Your music videos are all unique and quite different. When you are writing a song do you have a specific idea for what the video could be like?

Once the song is done I start thinking about the videos. With this record I wanted to keep the videos relatively straight forward, I didn’t have any budget or anything so I had to be quite resourceful. It’s a big job and it’s not really what I got into this game to do.


What is the best gig you have ever played?

The Moth Club in London, just a really good vibe. When I started touring this album I hadn’t played a show in two years and the first show we played was supporting Florence and the Machine. I played with Lydia Lunch and she gave me a back massage so that was pretty exciting.

Do you have any weird tour experiences?

I once got left up a mountain. I think I was talking to someone, I was really drunk and the whole band just left and went to the hotel. I was stranded up this mountain on my own, I had no idea where the hotel was and I didn’t know how to get down. I ended up walking round this town for like four hours crying. Finally, I managed to convince people in a car that if they drove me back to my hotel they could have my hotel room.

I read in NME that you are a fossil dealer?

I worked for a fossil dealer. I was tasked with disassembling a mammoth skeleton, so on my first day I was straddling this mammoth spine trying not to drop it.  In November, a huge bit of petrified wood fell on my hand and crushed it, so I haven’t been working there since.

What type of music are you listening to at the moment?

Mainly just Kendrick Lamar. I really like Sweat, a new band from London, they’re one of my favourite new bands. Jack Burrell, Cat Power, Joanna Newsom always, she is such a genius.

If you could tour with anyone who would it be?

I would have liked to have seen Jimi Hendrix play. Arcade Fire, I signed to Universal Records because they said they would get me a support slot.

Do you have any hidden talents?

I like to blow my own trumpet so you have asked me a good question. I feel like I have a lot of diverse skills, I’m a jack of all trades kind of guy.

You seem to do a lot of dancing; that seems like a talent?

Definitely, dancing is one of the best things you can do with your body, up in the top three… the other two are naughty.

Phoebe Berman

(Image: Dazed Digital)

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