Investigation into racist and anti-semitic t-shirts

Exeter University has launched an investigation into racist and anti-Semitic T-shirts

students at a recent social in Exeter are alleged to have worn during a freshers week event.

Pictures taken by a fellow student reveal hateful phrases including: “Don’t speak to me if you’re not white,” and, “The Holocaust was a good time.”

The photographer commented: “Making light of genocide and white privilege is not banter”.

The incident has sparked widespread outrage on social media. Many students have said that the aforementioned examples are in no way unique, suggesting that ‘white T-shirt nights’, held on campuses across the country, encourage the defacing of clothing with offensive language.

A spokesperson for the University of Exeter said that it “is an inclusive and friendly environment where all students are welcomed. Antisemitic, racist or bigoted behaviour in any form is not tolerated” and that the University has immediately launched an investigation.

Alexander Jones

(Image: IntoStudy)

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