Gryphon Give It A Go: Quidditch and Harry Potter Society

Harry Potter is the best-selling book series of all time, having sold over 450 million copies as well as being translated into over 70 languages. It’s only fitting that such an accomplished and popular novel series be granted its own society at the University of Leeds. As a fan of Harry Potter myself, once I discovered the Quidditch & Harry Potter Society, I had to go along.

And go along I did, attending the Sorting Ceremony last Wednesday. I was very excited and hoped to record every moment during the process. Before the event started, the society posted a quiz on their Facebook group to help sort people into houses. On the night, when we entered the room, a man confirmed out names. So many people came, we had to wait quite a bit. But it was a good opportunity to make new friends, especially since we had a common interest: Harry Potter! Everyone was excited and wondering what would happen next.

After a while, the Sorting Ceremony started. A man held the Sorting Hat, and would read a name, after which someone would go to the front and sit on a chair. The man used the hat to cover half the person’s head. After a few seconds, he would shout out the house name and people around would clap and cheer. Just like the books, except the hat couldn’t actually talk. I was glad to have a chance to experience that. When the man put the Sorting Hat on my head, I felt a little nervous. Although I knew which house I would be sorted, I still couldn’t help but wonder. Then I heard the man shout: “Gryffindor!”

I like Gryffindor. Not only because it’s Harry Potter’s house, but also because it represents bravery. I thought that Gryffindor would be the biggest house, but to my surprise, many people chose Ravenclaw! I asked a friend who was sorted into Ravenclaw why he chose that house, and he said that it was because Ravenclaw represents wisdom. At the end of the Sorting Ceremony, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw had more people than Hufflepuff and Slytherin.

After sorting, people moved to their own house, and it was time for a quiz to earn house points. The man asked some questions about Harry Potter. Each house answered together to get the correct answer, and at the end, the organiser would award the house with the highest score. Everyone got involved except me. Since I had never read the English edition before,  I couldn’t match the names to my knowledge. So all I could do was wait for the results. At the end of the quiz, Slytherin won the game and they got a box of sweets. Nevertheless, they were kind and liked to share, so everyone got to taste the candy.

Two hours later, the event came to an end. Although the organiser hoped people would chill and dance for the next two hours, most people left. But it was fine, after all, the main activity was the Sorting Ceremony which everybody enjoyed. The organiser also told me that they would hold a Quidditch match soon. I’m really curious about it, so I definitely will attend, and you should as well if you’re interested in playing a unique – but fun – sport inspired by the novel series!


Chelsea Cao 

(Image courtesy of

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