The Arts Netflix Weekend Watchlist: Vol 4

What better way to recover from Wednesday’s Varsity celebrations than a date night with Netflix? So retire your sports gear in favour of some sweatpants and delve into the depths of what’s on offer this weekend with the help of our top picks.

Friday Night – Holding The Man – Genre: Romance/Drama

Forget Titanic, screw Twilight, this Friday head to the Romance category and opt for the under-appreciated Holding The Man. Based on Timothy Conigrave’s bestselling memoir the film, set in 1977 Melbourne, follows the relationship between Tim and his classmate John Caleo who fall in love as teenagers. Any narrative flaws are outweighed by the chemistry between John (Craig Stott) and Tim (Ryan Corr) which rivals that of any classic on-screen couple. Simultaneously epic and intimate, heartwarming and harrowing, Holding The Man deserves your Friday night.

Saturday Night – The One I Love – Genre: Undecided

Though the title would suggest a cheesy romcom, The One I Love is a subversive mind-fuck of a movie. Some have labelled it a sci-fi, others deem it a comedy but all I can tell you is that it’s entirely unsettling, beyond that to reveal its secrets would be an injustice to this bizarre yet enticing film. Luckily, the trailer is entirely spoiler-free so check it out for yourself, but don’t blame me when you’re up until 3am on Sunday morning trying to make sense of it all.

Sunday Night – A Hard Day’s Night – Genre: Comedy, Musical

Didn’t make it to a screening of Eight Days a Week – The Touring Years? Well why not indulge in the next best thing and revisit (or discover for the first time) A Hard Day’s Night. See John, Paul, George and Ringo star in this highly acclaimed and universally beloved film that perfectly captures the height of Beatlemania. The harmless plot merely serves to showcase the band’s lovable personality and the groovy soundtrack. Recently remastered and rereleased in uk cinemas, A Hard Day’s Night allows you to bask in the glory days of The Beatles (and forget about that reading you haven’t done for your 9am on Monday.)

Molly Hewitt 

(Image courtesy of Goalpost Pictures)

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