Swastika graffiti removed in Hyde Park

A Nazi Swastika spray painted onto a pavement near Hyde Park has been removed after students reported it to the police. The offensive graffiti was widely condemned as a hate crime.

Local police officer PC Matt Guy commended students efforts by stating “It was great that as soon as students in Leeds saw the graffiti they immediately reported it.

“Displaying the Swastika symbol is not illegal in the UK, however graffiti is a criminal act. After being approached by concerned members of the public and given the accepted racial nature inherent in the symbolism, I am looking to identify the person responsible for the criminal damage and will look to see if charges under a racially aggravated public order offence may apply to this incident.”

His sentiments were echoed by Jamie Ali, the communities officer at LUU, who condemned the graffiti, stating “We do not tolerate any form of hate and will continue to work with our community partners to stamp out any form of fascism. We need to be vigilant against hate crimes. LUU Advice is a hate crime reporting centre so students can confidentially get in touch by emailing advice@luu.leeds.ac.uk or come in and see us (first floor of the Union Building).

At a time of rising hate against vulnerable students it’s uplifting to see the student community condemning actions such as this.”

Ian White

(Image: Jamie Ali)

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