Head Carrier by Pixies

Head Carrier’ is the sixth studio album by alternative rock legends the Pixies, following their anticipated 2014 release of ‘Indie Cindy’. The record has a laid back feel less concerned with status, steering the band in an exciting new direction whilst retaining the quintessential Pixies sound.

The flow of the album itself appears as though each song has been meticulously placed in order to demonstrate a certain range and progression in the record’s sound. For example, the song ‘Baal’s Back’ encapsulates classic rock and roll as lead vocalist Black Francis (Frank Black) screams “I bet you thought that I was dead and gone”, as if a blunt reminder that this thirty year old iconic and influential band have got even more to give. This then nicely contrasts with the following song ‘Might as Well Be Gone’, which, in comparison, is far more idyllic and synonymous with that of a classic indie tune.

In the early stages of this album, Kim Deal left the band, leaving many fans unsure as to how this would alter the Pixies sound. However, ‘Head Carrier’ provides new guitarist and vocalist Paz Lenchantin with a platform to display her enchantingly beautiful and eerie sound. This is specifically demonstrated through Lenchantin’s lead vocals in the album’s ninth track, ‘All I Think About Now’. This seems rather fitting considering Black Francis has coined the song as a “thank you letter” to Kim Deal’s invaluable input into the band.

Despite reviews of ‘Head Carrier’ being considered not as good as the Pixies’ previous work, it should be remembered that this album is not trying to replicate those songs which are frankly irreplaceable. If anything, this record is refreshing in its feel of not wanting to be a direct comparison. It is merely an example of an excellent band continuing to develop and create their unique and original music.

Phoebe Berman

(Image: culturedvultures)

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