Finding your feet: Top tips for Freshers

Top TV Tips:

  • Buy a TV Licence…
  • Split a Netflix account between your flat, find a series you all like and binge it together.
  • Try Amazon Prime for a free trial, but make sure you opt out within 60 days to avoid the £60 joining fee.
  • Don’t forget series link! Record your programs so they’re waiting for you after you beat those mid term deadlines.

Top Apps:

  • Download the Uni of Leeds app.
  • Snap up some great discounts by entering your student ID number on Unidays.
  • Uber – because you don’t want to be walking through Hyde Park at 4am.
  • Deliveroo and Just Eat are there for you when you can’t muster the strength to cook to beat that hangover.

Top Book Tips:

  • Beside the reading list, there are all sorts of helpful books to read during Freshers. Why not indulge in David Nichols’ Starter For Ten? A hilarious story about the transition to Uni. And a book of cocktail recipes never goes amiss.
  • BLACKWELLS. Not only does this University bookshop stock all the books you’ll need, but it also has a Costa upstairs. Besides books they also sell all sorts of entertainment like Cards Against Humanity, a game that’ll make you question your (and your flatmates’) morals!

Top Travel Tips:

  • The Student Union recently won a campaign to reduce the bus fare across most of Leeds to just £1! (Just show your student ID)
  • There are plentiful cycle paths throughout Leeds, many of which lead straight to Uni, such as the one along Woodhouse Lane.
  • Run out of cash? Did you know you can pay for your AMBER cab fare by handing over your student ID and paying later at the Student Union?

Top Food Tips:

  • Every Freshers, Dominos Pizza hover outside the Union handing out free pizza. And, if you’re willing to make the journey across town, they’re offering free personal margherita or pepperoni pizzas to EVERYONE.
  • Search every inch of the union to find the perfect meal deal. Essentials, the union shop, is currently offering a banging meal deal for £2.39, why not upload it to Meal Deal Talk to recieve abuse from strangers?
  • You’ll have heard the rumours. Somewhere in the vicinity there is an Aldi. Let the hunt begin.

Charlie Green and William Hoole

(Image: LUU)

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