Exams got you down? Get to HISTFEST

The most anticipated History Society event of the term, HISTFEST is back and promising to be as spectacular as ever. For those of you not in the know, HISTFEST is a festival run by History Society every year, combining fun with fundraising for great causes.

This year, HistSoc is raising money for STAR (Student Action for Refugees) and Leeds Mind, two charities that were picked based upon preferences of the 570 members of the society. At just £6, the event is a bargain not to be missed. Half of the money from the tickets will go to the charities, while the other half will fund the entertainment for the night. Along with a chance to do good, HISTFEST promises to have games, a bouncy castle, food, live music and (most importantly) a massive bar tab.

Best of all, HISTFEST welcomes anyone, whether you’re a history geek who loves the past, or someone who’s oblivious to history and doesn’t think anything existed before 1996. So ditch the textbooks, forget the highlighters and get yourself down to the Faversham on May 7th to celebrate the end of the year before real exam stress sets in.

Avigail Kohn

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