University student receives two-year sentence for dealing drugs

Leeds Crown Court heard that University Student Luke Fairless, 21, had ordered 100 ecstasy tablets from the Silk Road website to be delivered from Holland to his address at the time in Hyde Park, Leeds.

However, the package was delivered to the wrong address and the recipient notified the police after opening the package.

Fairless was arrested 14 October 2014 by police, who also searched his address. Officers found class A drugs including eight ecstasy tablets, eights tabs of LSD and £710 cash. Police seized Fairless’ laptop and phone and discovered a message from March 2014, in which Fairless said “I’ve spent a grand on drugs this week.”

The Court heard that Fairless has lost his place at university. Fairless admitted to the importation of Class A drugs, four charges of offering to supply Class A, B and C drugs and five charges of possession of Class A, B and C drugs.

The Court were told that Fairless had been the victim of a physical attack when he was 16 and has been diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder as a result of the incident.

Recorder Richard Gioserano said that Fairless had dealt drugs in order to fund his own addiction. Gioserano said it was a “highly unusual” case before sentencing Fairless to a two year prison sentence, suspended for two years.

Fairless was also ordered to complete 200 hours pf unpaid work and abide by a four month 7am to 7pm curfew.

Lydia McMath

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