Who gets your vote?

This week we interview Jess Murray, who is running to be your next Gryphon editor. Interviews with every Lead LUU candidate will appear online throughout next week.

Why do you want to be editor?

It’s not been something that I’ve planned. I just thought, I’ve got lots of ideas. I think I’ve got the necessary skills and experience. I thought, “you know what? I’m gonna go for it, I’m gonna run.”


What would the content of the paper be like under your editorship?

I think news is one section which I really want to improve. I want the Gryphon to be more responsive to stuff as it happens. We have a good online presence. I really want to push for getting articles up there as soon as they happen. I want interviews, which is something I think we have slacked on this year. Pushing for big name interviews; we can do it, we have in the past.


How will you get students involved in the newspaper?

So I think one of the main problems that we’ve had is that we’re perceived as a being too Union-centric. I want to take the Gryphon out on campus, to the students. One example was the junior doctors’ strike, which would have been a really good opportunity to go to the Worsley building and talk to medical students about their opinions. I want to take the Gryphon out to students rather than just expecting them to come to us.


Do you think it is important for students to get involved in political discussions through the newspaper?

Well, I think, being a student is a really good time to get involved in political discussions. University is when you start to realise how political matters actually affect you and how you can actually have an impact on it, you can change things. University, as well, is about developing your own opinions and learning what you stand for.


You mention about waning to push for more big name interviews. Any specific examples?

You’ve put me on the spot there! I’m trying to think of examples that are more, kind of, student relevant. Owen Jones is a good one. Upcoming artists like Jack Garret and actor John Boyega, comedians like Jack Whitehall. Generally, big names that students would be interested in that would make them pick up the paper.


What will you do to ensure a wide readership of the Gryphon?

Well, I think online is where we need to focus our attention on getting wider readership. We could introduce a new app which would mean people have The Gryphon on their phones to access news when it happens. We need to get out there online; increasing our followers on Twitter and our likes on Facebook.


As Gryphon editor, what is the first thing you would do on day one?

Look at the website and plan out; how it can change, how it can be promoted, how it can be more user friendly, more eye catching. That’s the way to push the Gryphon forward.


Elli Pugh

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