Campus Watch: 26/2/2016

University in Texas allows handguns on campus

Students at the University of Texas will soon be allowed to carry handguns on campus. President Gregory Fenves has approved the 2015 Republican-led Texas Legislature to allow guns on public college campuses throughout the state. Although the University has endorsed this controversial ruling, the law states that a person has to be 21 before applying for a concealed carry license.

Mike Johansson


University temporarily evacuated after protestors set fire to buildings

North West University Mafikeng, in South Africa, has been temporarily evacuated after student protesters set fire to buildings. Koos Degenaar, a spokesperson for the administrative faculty, said an administration block was burned down on Wednesday night. The protesters also set fire to a residence belonging to a dormitory supervisor. The violence allegedly began after the student representatives meeting was “disrupted” by protesters.

Shamima Noor


Eye on Cambridge’s Bronze Cock

Students at Jesus College, Cambridge, have voted unanimously that a bronze cockerel be repatriated to Nigeria, from where it was looted in the 19th century. The cockerel, which features three times on the college crest, was among hundreds of artworks taken from the Benin Empire after a British naval expedition in 1897.

Jonny Chard


Lecturer Helps To Establish Syrian Refugee School

Julie Pratten, a visiting lecturer in English at the University of Brighton has helped to set up a school for Syrian refugees after participating in an online course. Pratten, who has has spoken of how children have been “queuing up outside” her new school to learn, established the centre for learning in a camp near Dohuk, Iraqi Kurdistan, along with three other online students from Canada, Morocco and Iraq.

Greg Whitaker

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