Campus Watch: 19/2/2016

Salford Student Stabbed To Death

William Lound, a Salford University student, has been found stabbed to death in his halls of residence. Lound, aged 30, from Birkdale, near Southport, was discovered last Monday in Bramall Court. An investigation into the incident has been launched and Lee Arnold, 36, has appeared before Manchester magistrate court charged with murder.

Jonny Chard


NUS LGBT Officer Refuses To Attend Event

NUS LGBT officer, Fran Cowling, has refused to attend a talk at Canterbury Christ Church University on the topic of “re-radicalising queers”, unless one of the country’s best known gay rights campaigners, Peter Tatchell, does not attend. Cowling has cited Tatchell’s opposition to “no-platform” policies, claiming that his views are racist and transphobic.
Jonny Chard
Students’ Personal Details Posted Online

Greenwich atudents had their personal details posted online in a breach of data privacy laws. The students’ names, addresses, dates of birth, mobile phone numbers and signatures were all uploaded to the website, alongside references to mental health and other medical problems, and supervisor comments about students’ work. The information has since been removed.

Jessica Murray

Members of Oxford University Labour Club Accused Of Anti-Semitism

Alex Chalmers, co-chairman of the Oxford University Labour Club, has resigned over allegations of anti-Semitic comments made by some of its members. He stated that a number of the members “have some kind of problem with Jews”. Ed Miliband said he was “deeply disturbed” by the reports and was postponing his appearance at an upcoming event until the Labour party’s student organisation launched an inquiry.

Shamima Noor


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