Campus Watch: 12/2/2016

Students demand action after spate of muggings

Over 4,000 students at Birmingham University have signed a petition campaigning for greater police presence after a group of muggers attacked students four times in one week, with some claiming they were held at knife point. The attacks took place in Selly Oak, a predominantly student area. The Student Union have said that they are working with the university and police to lobby for more patrols.

Katie Lowes


Famous actors made Oxford Fellows

Benedict Cumberbatch and Emma Watson are among eleven non-academics to be appointed visiting fellows at Oxford University. Alan Rusbridger, Principal of Lady Margaret Hall said that “We can imagine fascinating interactions or collaborations between them […] it could be a conversation or debate, a performance, a lecture or seminar, a form of outreach”. Appointees also include former children’s laureate Malorie Blackman and high court judge Rabinder Singh.

Antonella Stonehouse


Missing Cambridge Student Found Dead in Cairo

The body of a Cambridge student, Giulio Regeni was found in a ditch in Cairo, nine days after his disappearance on the 25th January. Investigator Ahmed Negi has said that the body had multiple stab wounds and signs of torture.  A spokesperson for Cambridge University said that the university is “deeply saddened” and that their “thoughts are with his family and friends.”

Euan Hammond


University College Dublin crack down on lad culture

University College Dublin’s student newspaper has discovered a Facebook ‘ring’ of ‘lad culture’, and the union is now offering consent classes to deal with the problem. Male students had been sharing indecent images of female students online. The name of a group sharing such images was called ‘Girls I’d shift if I was tipsy’, in which students’ union president, Marcus O’Halloran, was a member. The University has launched an investigation.

Josie Hough


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