Leeds RAG Fashion Show: Meet the Stylists

The theme has been released and we can’t wait to see Talkin’ bout a Revolution in its full glory on Thursday the 11th of February. We met up with the Leeds RAG stylists to get the lowdown on the upcoming show.


What has been your favourite fashion revolution to date?

Christa: The roaring twenties; lace, feathers, swinger dresses. I just love this fashion revolution as it was a time for women to absolutely embrace the changes in society through the expression of their clothes.

Beth: I loved the androgyny of the 90s – it brought a whole new aesthetic to fashion combining grunge and minimalism, which liberated women in a way which hadn’t been fully explored before.

Is there a particular era you favour in terms of fashion?

Ellie: I really like the 60s I think everyone looked great, particularly Jane Birkin’s style and make up is just flattering. I also love what the Scandinavians do. Always look so effortlessly chic which I think is what everyone ultimately wants to achieve.

NaomiI agree – the 60s was such an iconic period in fashion. But my favourite era is the contemporary minimalist fashions we see today which use the structure we begin to see in the 60s, but also the real androgynous angles that came about in the “power” era of the 80s.

What made you want to get involved with LRFS?

Ellie: My interests have always been in the creative industry. I love meeting and working with new people so it seemed like an unmissable chance to become a part of the LRFS family.

NaomiI’d love to work in the fashion industry; LRFS is essentially a microcosm of the fashion world, so I’ve had the perfect chance to see every possible angle and career option because of it! I mean, who doesn’t want to browse at clothes online and it being actually for a job not just library procrastination?

Christa: I have always had a love for fashion and would like to pursue a career in the industry after university, so this was a perfect opportunity. Also, I was a member of RAG beforehand, and this was an amazing way to make loads of new friends.

What have you most enjoyed when preparing for the show?

Christa: The opportunity to meet so many amazing designers, hair stylists and makeup artists, build up so many great connections and contacts – we wouldn’t have a show without them and they have all been great to work with.

Ellie: The stylist team, definitely. We bonded perfectly from the beginning and I couldn’t have asked for better girls to work with.

What should we all look forward to on the day?

Christa: Hmm… the finale.

Naomi: The visuals – be prepared to be amazed.

Beth: The clothes, of course.

Cover image – www.youtube.com

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