Introducing the LRFS 2016 Theme

We’ve been looking forward to it since the start of the semester and the time for the University of Leeds’ biggest night is nearly upon us. The Leeds Rag Fashion Show is the university’s most eagerly awaited and glamorous event, hosting more than 800 people and showcasing the best of fashion, music and dance to raise substantial amounts for charities. Held annually, past themes have included the seven deadly sins, wanderlust and through the looking glass, featuring billowing frocks, multicoloured outfits and ballet dancers. This year, it’s not only about the clothes and glitz,   making a statement the theme has been announced as ‘Talkin’ ’bout a Revolution’.

The direction this year is to create a more accepting and representative outlook of fashion. An industry continuously plagued with accusations of discrimination and alienation, Leeds Rag attempt to help change the preconceptions about the world of fashion. 2015 was a year of undeniable progression, from raising awareness on transgender, the androgynous takeover, to the increase of racial diversity in modelling and the acceptance of age and disability in a stigmatised, hostile industry. But there’s always more that can be done and the Rag society plan to not only make a statement, but add to and continue this revolution.

The passionate team are working diligently to create a show relatable to plenty and accepting of all. Casting calls have invited literally anyone, holding no guidelines or criteria, anybody could have applied no matter your height, weight or race. Attempting to eliminate any tags of elitism and pretension, the team are adamant on being inclusive and all-embracing. Fashion tends to have an aura of exclusivity and snobbery, alienating many. Diminishing the typical beauty ideals of society, the message is to promote an idea of freedom. Freedom to feel comfortable and confident in your own skin. Freedom to present yourself however you feel. After all, fashion is one of the most expressive forms of self identity and confidence. The aim is to not only put on great show but for the show to get people thinking, talking and debating about these social issues. In a multi cultural, technologically and scientifically advanced 21st society should these concerns still even be arising and how do we change them? Set across the background of graffitied walls and to the very apt sound of MIA’s Borders, the trailer features a range of male and female models adorned with body paint and bold statement makeup posing fiercely in leather, metallics and floral. Not only are we extremely excited and eager for the surprises promised, but also for what is guaranteed to be a fun, thrilling, inspiring and truly revolutionary night.

The charities money will be raised for are the Leeds Mencap and Refugee Council.

The Fashion show will be held on the 11th of February at 8.30pm in the Refectory. Tickets are on sale now! 

Check out the trailer now!

Rukaiyah Dadhiwala

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