Leeds burglar impaled on broken window pleads guilty

A Leeds burglar, who was impaled on the glass of a window he had smashed in order break into a student house, has pleaded guilty.

William Bedford, 42, has pleaded guilty to burglary with intent to steal after he was caught attempting to gain access to a student house in Woodhouse, Leeds, as six students were asleep.

On his appearance in Leeds Crown Court, Bedford confessed that he had tried to use a screwdriver to pry the window open after noticing it had been left slightly open as he passed the house at 5am on December 6th 2015.

Due to frustration in the midst of the failed screwdriver attempt, Bedford, who was under the influence of Temazepam (used as a tranquilizer) at the time of the offence, threw a brick through the window.

The noise of the smashed window caused the students to wake up, catching Bedford as he tried to climb into the property.

It took 30 minutes for police officers to arrive and in that time he was detained by the students.

The court heard Bedford was impaled on the glass during that time and needed treatment for cuts to his body, but never complained about the injuries he had sustained.

Bedford, the court heard, had 10 previous convictions for 32 other offences committed. He received a 9 month prison sentence which has been suspended for two years and was required to take part in a 30 day drug rehabilitation programme.


Zoe Bancroft

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