Dance Exposé: Exposed

What happens when you put contemporary, commercial, ballet and break-dancers together in one society? Although the initial response might be “chaos”, Dance Exposé, an eclectic dance society that combines all forms of dance, has changed my verdict to “awesome”.

I was given the chance to see the society’s ‘Exposed’ showcase, a taster of their big event in February. Although the show wasn’t very long, it demonstrated the scope of the society’s performers. Performances ranged from Tap Dancing to the Can-Can to Bollywood, and there was even a special feature from LUU’s own Acapella group. Seriously, I felt like I was in Pitch Perfect.

‘Exposed’ followed the theme of the seven deadly sins, including dances that focused on lust, pride and envy. There was no defined explanation for any of the dances, which I think increased the creativity of the night. As it was up to interpretation, I could make the performance be anything I wanted it to be, although I think my theory about one of the dances being about cavemen vs. modernity might have been a bit far-fetched.

It is no wonder the event was so well put together when you look back at what Dance Exposé have accomplished. From winning the 2013 Riley Smith Award for ‘Best Show’ to winning five trophies on their 2015 tour in Salou, Dance Exposé has no shortage of awards to lean back on.

So who are the people that have led to this success? Dance Exposé is made up of dancers who have a variety of different styles, skills and techniques. The society prides itself on the fact that it has no limits. It allows a mix of various dance forms, creating an environment where anyone is welcome to dance or choreograph in whatever way they feel most comfortable, and where there are many opportunities to learn new things.

The society does require auditions, but that shouldn’t put potential members off. Students of all ages, dance backgrounds and levels of experience are welcome, as long as they are committed and love to dance. Dance Exposé is the only dance society that doesn’t charge class fees, and is relatively cheap, charging £35 for a year-long membership.

However, for those of us who can’t tell our left foot from our right, Dance Exposé offers a fantastic, energetic and exciting dance show that will make you feel as though you’ve stepped into a scene from Step Up. With the show coming up on the 17th – 20th of February, I’d quickstep my way to the ticket booth once tickets go on sale because it’s going to be a sell-out and it’s going to be good.

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