Weird Crowdfunding Tech

Creative, original and every now and then bizarre; that is potentially the best way to describe crowdfunding. Since the mid 2000’s the amount of people contributing to crowdfunding has grown exponentially and it is an industry now worth an estimated £22.4 Billion ($34.4 Billion). If you’re unaware, the concept of crowdfunding involves funding a project or idea using financial backing received from a large number of people, usually using the internet. Crowdfunding has been used as an alternative source of funding for a number of projects and two of the largest crowdfunding platforms, Kickstarter and Indiegogo, have been used to fund films, TV shows, books and the development of innovative technology. Many of the projects posted on these websites would be considered normal, however every so often a project pops up which is utterly bizarre. So as a tribute to crowdfunding, here are some of the amazing technological developments, along with some of the more peculiar ideas, which have been made possible through crowdfunding.

Oculus rift

The concept of virtual reality was nothing more than that, a concept until the Oculus Rift came about. Previously the technology had consistently failed to live up to expectations but the Rift allowed us to explore virtual worlds like never before. When this project appeared on Kickstarter it raised $2.4m, allowing the development of a head set which accurately tracks the wearer’s movements allowing the wearer to look around in the virtual world. The device has attracted attention not just from game developers but from film makers, social media outlets and industry professionals. Oculus Rift was bought by Facebook last year for 2 Billion dollars ensuring the concept’s longevity and giving it the security to meet the development target. While the Oculus is still being developed early reviews appear promising and it is set to be available for consumers as of autumn 2016.

Skarp Laser razor

Two Swedish inventors have designed a futuristic razor which can use lasers instead of blades to trim hair. If successful this would allow you to save money on buying replacement cartridges and reduce the chance of cutting and irritation caused by regular razor blades. However, while this next-gen shaving apparatus seems like the future it should be noted the product was recently removed from Kickstarter as the inventors were unable to produce a working prototype. Nonetheless, the project is still receiving funding on Indiegogo, if you’re still desperate to contribute to what could be the future of shaving.

This ordinary looking cup will be able to analyse and detect any liquid which is poured into it and send this data to an app which will log everything about that drink. The aim behind this is it will allow you to track calorie intake, sugar protein and even caffeine levels. The developers claim it will even be able to identify the brand of liquid you’re drink so we may finally find out the difference between Pepsi and Coca-Cola. Currently you can pre-order the Vessyl for $149, however be aware it was scheduled for release in early 2015 and has yet to be release due to development delays. Who knew redesigning the cup would be such a complex task.

Pooch selfie
Sometimes you just have to take a selfie with your dog, so when that need arises you have to ensure the dog looks in the right direction. To help you achieve that the company Clever Dog Products have created the Pooch Selfie. The product is a small plastic accessory which lets you attach a tennis ball to the top of your phone, grabbing the attention of your dog so you can get the perfect photo with them. Thus far the project has managed to raise $40,000 since September. Evidently there is a market for Dog Selfies.

It’s probably unsurprising that adult entertainment has entered the world of crowdfunding. In this case, the eJaculator is a masturbation aid combined with a virtual reality headset that creates the sensation of pleasure by connecting what you see on screen to feelings on your private parts. Thus far the project has received nearly $80,000 to help development.

Have you ever found yourself shuffling through all your credit and debit cards to find the right one? While students may never experience thisinconvenience, apparently it occurs often enough someone has developed a solution: a single card which you can program all of you debit and credit cards into.  It works by uploading your cards onto the Coin app, you can then select any of the cards using the display screen on the Coin Card. While this seems like an easy way to save space in your wallet it is worth noting the product has received heavy scepticism as its development was significantly delayed and reviews are not promising.

Pebble watch
Before the Apple Watch and Android Wear, there was the Pebble Watch. Pebble Watch was a crowdfunding campaign which managed to raise over $10mil for the development of the world’s first smart watch. Since then the Pebble Company have launched a second campaign, which took place during March 2015, which raised $20mil for the development of the Pebble Time, a second generation smart watch. This campaign is considered one of the most successful crowdfunding campaigns ever held. Overall both campaigns were a success as both smartwatches have received positive reviews.

Honorary mentions:
Not all companies need to use crowdfunding to obtain sufficient finance to develop a product. Nonetheless some products which reach the market are just as strange, if not stranger, than those found on crowdfunding websites. Here are some pieces of technology which while not crowdfunded are worth mentioning when discussing bizarre technology.

This newly developed headset will manipulate your brain in an attempt to wake you up or put you to sleep. The idea behind this little white triangle involves attaching it to a specific location on your head and connecting it to your phone via Bluetooth. Then an app will trigger 5 to 10 minute sessions of low level pulses of electricity onto a natural stress point on your head which will act to either relax or invigorate you depending on the settings. The aim of this device is to help you focus during periods of intense work or calm you down during stressful situation. Thus far the reviews for Thync are overwhelmingly positive however given you have to wander around looking like an extra from a Sci-Fi film it’s unlikely this device will take off and become mainstream anytime soon.

Tenga egg
Once again technology is helping us masturbate. In this case the Tenga Egg is a Japanese brand of masturbation aid. The “Egg” is used to recreate the sensations of sex without bothering with any of the pesky social interaction. However, one of the downsides is you have replace and empty the container regularly, to prevent build up of fluids following use.

Steven Gibney


[Image:Ats Kurvet, hosted on Wikipedia]

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