LUU vote to Introduce consent classes

The proposal to introduce consent classes for university students was passed at the latest Better Union Forum, with twelve votes in favour and  one against.

These sessions will be made available to students during Fresher’s week next year.

The idea of consent classes on campus has received increased publicity in recent weeks, after a Warwick University student wrote an article stating that the classes were ‘insulting’.

Other proposals which received a majority vote in favour were the introduction of more functioning water fountains, and installing an Afro-American hairdressers in the union building.

The forum also passed a proposal to introduce an online book sale service to help students buy and sell their old texts book.

Only one proposal didn’t receive a majority vote and as a result will go to a campus wide referendum. This was the proposition that overweight student should receive a discounted Edge membership to help them lose weight.

The forum also unanimously voted in favour of the union showing solidarity with the South African #FeesMustFall movement, a student led movement to campaign against increased tuition fees and for higher wages for lower earning university staff.

Protests have been taking place across various universities across South Africa since 12th October, after some institutions announced plans to increase fees by around 10%, with the government eventually announcing that no fee increases would take place in 2016, but making no promises for the future.

Also unanimously voted in favour was the decision to support all ISSF and Olympic shooting disciplines being made legal throughout the country.  

(Image: Wikipedia)

Jessica Murray

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