Campus Watch: 27/11/15

Academic walks out of Lecture

Helene Turon, an Economics lecturer from Bristol University, failed to give a lecture after finding out her students had made comments about her on the messaging app Yik Yak, which she considered to be “sexist cyberbulling”. There were comments made about her “banter” and her teaching abilities. All economics students were subsequently emailed by the Head of the Department regarding “misuse of social media”.
Josie Hough


Two college balls cancelled
Two balls at Oxford University colleges have come under attack from students who claim that they will upset women and ethnic minorities. A 1920s themed ball has been criticised by students because it represented a time when “the college was devoid of women and people of colour”.

Katie Lowes


Police warn Brussels students

In the wake of heightened security after the Paris attacks, police in Brussels have told students to cancel their nights out in the city. Central Brussels has been in lock-down since the terrorist attacks in Paris due to fears of a similar attack in the city. Pictures on social media show students being evacuated from bars and clubs in the area.

Katy Frodsham


Ottawa University Yoga classes cancelled due to ‘cultural appropriation’

A yoga teacher from Ottowa University says that her class was suspended over concerns about “cultural appropriation”. An email sent to the instructor, Jenifer Scharf, said that the class had been under scrutiny “because of the cultures it has been taken from”. The email noted that the cultures yoga comes from “have experienced oppression, cultural genocide […] due to colonialism”.

Zara Wood


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