Campus Watch: 20/11/15

Afrikaans Dropped as Official Teaching Language

The University of Stellenbosch has decided to drop Afrikaans as its language of instruction, and teach in English instead. The decision comes after months of protests, including a video about the racism on campus. Unlike Afrikaans, English is taught to all pupils in the second grade in South Africa. Protesters have stressed that language discrimination against black students will subsequently be less likely.

Shamima Noor


International Men’s Day Events Cancelled

The University of York will no longer observe ‘International Men’s Day’ after students protested against comments from a member of staff. Dr Adrian Lee gave his opinion on issues that he believes have an ‘adverse impact on equality for men’. The cancellation occurred after students showed concern over potential ‘reputational damage’ in associating with radical men’s rights activists.

Euan Hammond


DJ causes Offence After ‘simulating sex acts’

The University of Hull’s Student Union has apologised after students were forced to simulate sex acts on stage in order to have a chance of winning a free holiday and free alcohol. The Union have stated that the night was “not in line with standards” and apologised for any offence caused. The anti-sexual violence group ‘Rape Crisis’ have described the event as “exploitative” and “degrading” to young women.

Katie Lowes


Black President Appointed After Campus Race Protests

President Tim Wolfe, of the University of Missouri, has resigned from his position following protests about his failure to address racism on campus. Mike Middleton, a former ‘Vice Provost for Minority Affairs’ for the university, has been appointed as Interim President. He stated that “hurtful actions” must not be tolerated, and that the focus for moving forward will be inclusion and respect for everyone.

Cally Collier

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