Cabaret: A Night At The Musicals

It’s always a fun evening when there’s an opportunity to sample numbers from all of the upcoming musicals in the union. Cabaret: A Night at the Musicals bought together a compilation of entertaining performers who sang and danced their hearts out for two nights only, with the assistance of two charismatic hosts. There were ensemble numbers such as the bright and colourful ‘Mamma Mia’ (which you’d never know was put together in one Give It A Go session!) and a brilliant end to the first act. There was the fabulous return of the SMS ‘boys versus girls’ tradition which saw the very funny boys perform ‘Keep it Gay’ from The Producers and their competition, the very sexy girls performing ‘Big Spender’ from Sweet Charity. Both involved very few clothes, with the boys confidently parading through the audience and the girls whipping all the hair they could on stage – it could only have been a tie.

Whilst I would have liked to have seen some more group numbers, there were also some terrific duets to be seen. ‘Mama, I’m a Big Girl Now‘ from Hairspray was a personal favourite, which was not only fun to watch but pitch-perfect and well-harmonised, making me want to get up on stage and dance as if I was in the sixties too.

Whilst the night boasted a fine and entertaining selection of musical lovers, it would be fair to say that the biggest buzz was perhaps from Anna Carly with her phenomenal rendition of ‘With You’ from MT’s upcoming version of Ghost. Already a heart-wrenching song, there was not a dry eye in the Riley once we hit the chorus; sang so beautifully – and receiving a standing ovation – MT’s Ghost is certainly on my watch list. Another mention goes to the new solo vocalist who performed ‘Bring Him Home’ from Les Miserables which rivalled Hugh Jackman – very impressive, indeed. An interesting evening that might have benefited from more group performances; nevertheless, well done to everyone involved.

Dan Newby

Image: Sophie Roberts

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