Campus Watch: 6/11/15

Homeless Camp Evicted

Manchester Metropolitan University has removed an emergency homeless shelter known as ‘Ark’ from its campus. This is following mixed reviews about the shelter, with members of the University feeling that it impacted on the safety of students and staff. The response from students has been to organise a number of protests and a group called ‘students acting in solidarity with the homeless’ designed to help those who have no one to turn to.

Becky Ward


Staff Apologise over Mexican-themed Party

The University of Louisville has issued an apology after a photograph showing staff wearing sombreros and other stereotypical Hispanic items at a party was posted online. The school staff, including the President, James Ramsey, were accused of being insensitive towards Hispanic and Latino students. A spokesperson from Ramsey’s office have stated they will initiate diversity training immediately.

Katy Frodsham


Mustafa Charges Dropped

Goldsmiths, University of London’s diversity officer, Bahar Mustafa, has had criminal charges against her dropped after allegedly racist comments on social media, including the use of the hashtag “#killallwhitemen”. She defended her statements by saying that minority women could not be racist or sexist because racism and sexism describe structures of privilege.

Jonny Chard


Neo-Nazi Posters on Campus

Neo-nazi posters declaring “Hitler Was Right” have been found across the campus of Birmingham University. The anti-semitic posters have since been removed amid a police investigation. A university spokesperson said: “We unreservedly condemn racist graffiti on campus. We have reported the matter to West Midlands Police and are working with them to identify those involved”. The incident forms part of a rise in anti-semitic attacks across the UK.

Sam Robinson

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