Why autumn is my favourite season

We are so lucky to have the changing seasons in this country. Out of all of the seasons my favourite time of year is Autumn for many reasons. It is the perfect balance between the hot sweaty days of summer (or at least the few weeks we get abroad from England, when I have to avoid burning my fair skin to a crisp) and the horrible cold mornings of winter when you question whether to even get out from the warmth of your duvet for fear of frost bite. Autumn is the time of year where you can don your new winter coat, step on the crunchy leaves and wake up to cold but beautiful sunny mornings.

I think many people would agree that as the weather becomes cooler having an excuse to wear (and buy) more clothes is never a bad thing. I am the first to admit that a lot of my budget is spent in the first few months after September convincing myself I need a whole new winter wardrobe. Coats can be paired with almost any outfit. They provide multiple benefits of not only looking great, but keeping you warm and having big pockets to hold all your necessities… especially the mounds of tissues as we collectively suffer from the new strain of freshers flu and the starting of our winter cold.

I am also a firm advocate of winter boots and believe everyone should have a pair or 3 to stomp around in during the Autumn and Winter months. Not only are they really comfy but there is also space to wear fluffy socks without anyone noticing, which is a major plus. I am finally able to layer my clothing and experiment with different looks. I can break into my selection of jumpers, shirts and trousers and am able to wear whatever I like without being judged because it’s cold and most people will be jealous of how warm I look… in my multiple layers of coats and scarves.

This may not be everyone’s favourite aspect of Autumn time but I love when the days become shorter as I see this as my excuse to stay in, cuddled up with a hot chocolate watching my fair share of series on Netflix.

KAt Muir Autumn 2

I find autumn and winter the happiest time of year simply because of all the exciting events that we get to enjoy. First up is Halloween, in which I plan to go all out on my costume this year and decorate the house in full. Bonfire night soon follows where everyone crowds around the massive bonfire at Hyde Park, watching the fireworks with an excuse to indulge in anything sweet: candy apples, roasted marshmallows and my favourite – hot chocolate. Then before all the stress of exams start (sorry for that reminder everyone) we arrive at Christmas…

Although this article explains my love of Autumn I felt obliged to also mention my love of Christmas. I must confess I have already been looking at Christmas gifts from October and I cannot wait for all things Christmas: sparkling lights, Christmas films, decorating the house and tree, buying and giving gifts and finally being able to play my Christmas playlist on repeat after a year of suffering without it (much to the dismay of my housemates who already have to listen to my attempt at singing). This is the time of year to eat to your heart’s content without feeling guilty and I don’t know anyone who could argue with that.

So as you regrettably wakeup for your lectures and walk to university on that cold morning, think about all the exciting events coming up and join me in my albeitearly anticipation of all things fun and festive.

Kathryn Muir

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