Society Spotlight: Book Club

This week, The Gryphon interviews the President of LUU’s Book Club, Jenny Morgan.

The LUU Book Club is a place for lovers of plot-twists, opening hooks and in-depth discussions. All book and reading enthusiasts are welcome to join for the bargain price of £3, no matter what genre or course they study. To find out more, The Gryphon interviewed Jenny Morgan, resident bookworm and this year’s Society President.

How did you get involved in the Book Club, and why did you decide to run for President?

I’ve always loved reading and I’ve always enjoyed talking about books, so I thought joining the Book Club would be a good opportunity to do that more regularly with fellow book enthusiasts. I went to the first discussion last year where we discussed a book called Warm Bodies, and joining gave me an incentive to read other books that I wouldn’t usually read. I wanted to run for president because I wanted to make the society a bit more social and lead more in-depth discussions. I felt that last year we sometimes spoke about the book for ten minutes and then moved on, so I thought being president could help change and improve that.

What are your main responsibilities as president?

My role as president is to oversee what’s going on in the society and make final decisions about which books we will be reading. However, I’d like to think that I share the responsibilities equally between myself, the treasurer, Adele, and the secretary, Hannah, as we make most of the important decisions together. I’m also trying to make the Book Club as fun and sociable as possible this year.

What kind of things does the book club do?

We discuss a book every fortnight, so for example this Wednesday we will be discussing A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini, and we usually have a chat about other things at the same time. We also have fun socials, such as our book themed quiz last week, and our welcome drinks at Old Bar a couple of weeks ago. We are planning to go on an Otley Run, although the theme is yet to be decided. At Christmas we will be having a meal and a ‘Christmas book swap’ where members bring their favourite book and randomly swap it with a partner.

What is your favourite book?

That’s a hard question. I would have to say The Perks of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. I read it within a few hours and fell in love with the main characters. I would recommend it to anyone. I also really enjoyed the film adaptation, as I loved seeing how the book was translated to the screen.

If you could take one book onto a desert island with you, which would it be and why?

I’m not sure really, probably something funny which would lighten my mood and take my mind off the fact that I was stranded.

How can people get involved in Book Club?

The easiest way to get involved is to come to any of the discussions or socials and see what it’s all about. We meet fortnightly throughout the semester on Wednesdays 6-8pm in Baines Wing 2.37 to discuss a book, so even if you haven’t read the book we are discussing, it would still be useful to come along. There’s no obligation to join for the year if you attend a discussion, so it’s a chance to see what we’re all about with no strings attached.

What makes Book Club special?

I think it’s special because it’s very rare that you’re in a room of over 20 people who all share the same interest as you. The members who attend are always really enthusiastic about books and eager to share their opinions. It’s especially good if you’ve read a brilliant book that no one else you know has read, because when you turn up to book club you are bound to find someone who also loves that exact book. It’s always very friendly and welcoming as well, so if you need a break from university work or everyday stress then it’s a great place to be.

Natalie Cherry

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