MENTAL HEALTH A-Z: D is for ‘Don’t Call Me Mental!’ LUU Mind Matters Mental Health Conference 2015

What are you doing on Thursday 26th and Friday 27th November?

I’ll tell you now. You’re going to attend the Leeds Mental Health Conference which is taking place in our very own Student Union.

As well as a presentation about OCD and BDD by yours truly on the Friday, the conference will include a number of talks and workshops by prolific figures in the mental health sector, including:

– Leeds Mind – a charity providing support for those with Mental Health conditions.

– Rachel Kelly – Author.

– Doctor Siobhan Hugh Jones – Researcher of mindfulness.

– Helena Coleman – Leeds graduate.

– Hannah Lewis – completed a placement with an OCD charity.

– Rachel Barker – delivering a personal experience talk.

– Dana Fletcher – undertook a dissertation on Mental Health in the work place.

– Nightline – a student-led telephone listening and information service.

– Leeds Surviour Led Crisis Service – a charity which offers alternative options to hospital admission in times of crisis.

The event has been an annual occurrence led by LUU society Mind Matters; a society promoting mental health and well-being on campus. We managed to speak to conference coordinator, Beth Croak:

“Last year was a huge success for Mind Matters and this year we want to build on that success! We have speakers coming from a variety of backgrounds and from charities like Leeds Survivor Led Crisis and Leeds Mind to author Rachel Kelly. We have some personal experience talks and some of our own Leeds graduates. Our focus is to raise awareness of not only mental illness but mental well-being too. By looking at mental health from all these different angles we hope to increase people’s understanding of such an issue and reduce the stigma associated with mental illness. But most of all, we are just hoping to put on a fantastic event where everyone can find something that interests them and get people talking about mental health!”

This is an event not to be missed, and I look forward to seeing you there!

Join the Facebook event now!


Hannah Lewis

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