Girls Have More Fun: a Pizza, Quiz and Goodie Night with Her Campus Leeds

A franchise of the American model, Her Campus magazine is the Cosmo of University life. The “Collegiette’s Guide to Life” features articles on everything from fashion to food, events to entertainment, and boys to business. It talks about current affairs, offers internships and even includes blogs written by other girls from around the world.

LUU’s Her Campus GIAG was a quiz night with free pizza, where non-members were encouraged to come and see what being a part of the magazine’s team would be like. When we arrived, we sorted ourselves into teams. I met girls from all over the world – exotic Sweden, Holland and Cheshire – who actually turned out to have a lot in common with me.

Together we fought for quiz domination, and more importantly the Victoria’s Secret goodie bag which was being given as first prize, with inventive team names. We made our way through seven rounds of trivia, featuring questions on topics from inspirational women to Mean Girls – although personally, I see no difference between the latter and the former. Even though we had very little general knowledge, my team still somehow managed to bag third place, winning some Her Campus branded sunglasses. We guessed wildly, going for “fear of eggs” as the definition for monophobia (it’s not), but the final results of the quiz showed us that it was never a bad idea to believe in ourselves.

As tense and exciting as the quiz was, no smiles were as broad as when the pizza entered the room. Things got a little bit hairy when the vegetarian pizza was all taken before the vegetarians had got their hands on a slice, but the committee acted quickly and resourcefully, going to get extra slices from Flames across the road.

This society is the answer to your journalism dreams, after The Gryphon of course. For only £8 a year and with a mini social after every newspaper meeting, all I can say is it’s time for girl power!

Siân Halas

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