Review – Hunee (All Night Long)

Friday 9th October saw one of Leeds’ favourite underground parties reach their 5th birthday at one of the city’s favourite underground clubs. A truly standout event with regional nightlife, Butter Side Up’s list of past guests makes it an almost unrivalled party over the last five years. Although fresh and new line-ups are usually sought after, Friday understandably saw the return of BSU’s favourite party starter, Hun Choi aka Hunee, making no less than his fourth appearance in five years at a party that he’s lovingly described as ‘healthy nonsense.’

Hun Choi is another, perhaps dying breed of DJs, who see genres as shackles to be broken and a night of mixing only one type of music to be avoided at all costs. On Friday he found a perfect mixture of tunes for the celebratory occasion. Serving as the warm-up, the peak time and the jubilant closing DJ his combination of conventional dance music sourced from Chicago, New York and Berlin was flawlessly mixed in with more obscure sounds, including a fantastic disco number from Japan.

Frequently found jiving behind the desks and shaking hands with grateful clubbers, Hunee’s love of music was absolutely clear and his penchant for a rarity became increasingly obvious as revellers’ frequent scrambles to shazam a track produced no results, possibly never to be heard again…

Throughout the evening Wire’s crowd lapped up everything Hunee served and never before had I seen the club so populated at 6 in the morning as pillar-slapping punters, reluctant for the lights to come on were handed out party poppers for the triumphant finale. Its clear that BSU have created a following of people who are there keen to enjoy the music and party, free from the issues which so frequently plague clubs. Friday was a great celebration of one of the city’s most cherished nights and here’s to five more years.

Their next event is on November 12 with a four-hour set from Margaret Dygas.

Chris Caden

(Photo credits: Wire)

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