Campus Bike Thefts on the Rise

It has emerged that there have been six bicycles stolen from the University of Leeds during September. 

Whilst reports indicate many of these thefts occurred around the parameters of campus, with bicycles being stolen from near the Engineering buildings on Woodhouse Lane and Clarendon Road, two of the reported six were stolen from within the University precinct. In addition to this, police have stressed that all of the bicycles that were stolen had cable locks snipped.

Speaking to The Gryphon, Malcolm Dawson, Acting Head of Security for the University of Leeds, stated that although there have been no further incidents of bicycle theft since Sunday 4th October, typically the bicycles thieves “carry bolt croppers in a bag and target bikes worth from £100 upwards that have been secured using a cable lock”. In addition to this, he stressed that “often thieves target bikes that are left on campus overnight”.

When asked what advice he would give to students who are worried about the safety of their bicycles he stressed that buying a “good-quality D-LOCK” would drastically reduce the risk of being targeted.

In addition to this, he urged students to always “secure your bicycle frame to the cycle racks provided” and if necessary to “take your saddle with you when you leave your bicycle as this will make the bicycle less attractive to criminals.”

Should you need further advice on how to protect your bicycle or car, contact Andrew Gordon-Platt, our University Crime Prevention Officer, on 0113 343 5005.

(Image: Wikipedia)

Becky Ward

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