Got a spare $700?

It started with “Selfish”, Kim Kardashian’s answer to a selfie bible, and next month Amber Rose is set to release hers, humbly entitled “How To Be A Bad Bitch”, but the celebrity book race has a new ego in town. Gisele Bündchen is the highest paid supermodel in the world, and has been now for nine years in a row. Her career highlights include walking for the late Alexander McQueen, gracing numerous Vogue covers, working with some of the most talented photographers in the fashion industry, and now she’s released a book.


The Brazilian supermodel’s twenty year career will be documented in a special, signed coffee table publication. There will be just 1000 copies in print, and it will display over 300 photos including the infamous Irving Penn shot, featuring a nude Gisele as the cover. Oh, and the one other important detail–it costs $700. It’s a price tag that has got the fashion world talking, and it’s beating records. Is this the moment that the world of celebrity has finally lost it? Well say what you want about Kim and her selfie obsession, but it looks like Gisele is taking self promotion to another level. It doesn’t exactly look set to be a crowd pleaser, but it’ll certainly be exclusive.

The book is due to be released in November for those with the bank balance to handle it, plus if it seems a little conservative then you could always wait for the Art Edition, with only 100 in print and costing a modest $2000, it‘s a no brainer really.

Molly Shanahan

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