Local adventures at Global Café

Global Café is a weekly gathering organised by the Global Community in order to bring international students together in an informal, friendly environment. Even though I’ve already been at the university for a year, as a British student, I hadn’t heard of it until last week.

I decided to go along when I saw the event advertised on the Union website. I have a few international friends already, but thought that it would be a good opportunity to meet some more interesting people, with different backgrounds to me. I also really liked the idea of meeting people in a sober setting: there was less chance of me completely embarrassing myself!

It was a strange feeling when I turned up and for once, as a British student at a British university, I was the odd one out. However, in spite of my initial apprehensions, everyone was really welcoming and friendly. The students that attend are also definitely worth getting to know – during the course of one afternoon I met people from all over Europe, the Far East and Africa without having to leave the room.

However, don’t be put off by the idea that because you’re a British student, other people won’t be as interested in what you have to say. While for me being British isn’t exactly the epitome of exotic, at the Global Café you’ll find that Britain is just as exciting as any other country. The students that I spoke to were genuinely interested in what I had to say, making a real effort to get to know me properly.

I think that sometimes it can be extra difficult for international students to fit in – and let’s face it, us cliquey Brits aren’t always the most welcoming of people. But if you go with an open mind, the Global Café is a great place to meet some culturally diverse people, give international students a taste of British culture, AND get free tea and biscuits.

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