A Fashionable Read

The Sartorialist X – Scott Schuman £13.60

Starting as a New York style blog ten years ago, fashion photographer Schuman has focused his third publication on style that has caught his eye from every corner of the globe.

face-paint-lisa-eldridgeFace Paint – Lisa Eldridge £12.91

Holding a mirror up to the beauty industry and the women it has affected, renowned make-up guru to the stars and behind the shoots, YouTube extraordinaire Lisa Eldridge looks at the art and history behind the glamour.

Best of British: The Stories Behind Britain’s Iconic Brands – £25.95

Looking at and honoring some of the biggest names in British design andlove-x-style-x-life-9781471149467_hr production, from family businesses and traditional practices to household names and high-end designers.

Love Style Life – Garance Doré £11.99

Corsican fashion photographer and blogger Garance documents her captivating style story through her New York life. Enjoy her narratives, appreciate her intelligent advice and become inspired by her witty take on style.

61Znh1AIs2L._SX376_BO1,204,203,200_ 2Alexander McQueen – Claire Wilcox £29.25

Wilcox takes an intimate look into the life of one of Britain’s most spellbinding and tragic designers. From his provocative designs to his complex personal life and everything in between.




Molly Shanahan and Rukaiyah Dadhiwala

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