Pistorius to be released on parole in August

Oscar Pistorius is set to be released on parole on 21st August, South African’s Department of Correctional Services explained today.

The former Olympic and gold-medal-winning Paralympic athlete is currently serving a five-year sentence for culpable homicide. He was sentenced in October for shooting his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, dead on Valentine’s Day in 2013.

South African Commissioner of Correctional Services, Zach Modisie, has explained that the case management committee at Pistorius’ prison in South Africa made the recommendation last week. As Pistorius has served a sixth of his sentence, he is eligible for release under ‘correctional supervision’. Under South African law, his release will most likely involve the condition of house arrest.

However, a state appeal against Pistorius’ acquittal of murder is currently in process and will be announced in November.

Meanwhile, Steenkamp’s parents have expressed concern at the parole suggestion, saying that the time Pistorius has served is “not enough for taking a life”.

Elli Pugh


Photo credit: Liza Van Deventer | Foto24 | Getty Images

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