Leeds Students win BBC1 show Pointless

Third year Leeds students Jamie Taylor and Robbie Russell have won £1250 on BBC1 quiz-show Pointless.

Jamie is a Politics student and News Associate at The Gryphon, while Robbie is an English and Philosophy student currently on a year abroad.

The pair were also on Monday’s episode, but were knocked out in the first round after recording two incorrect answers.

However on Pointless losing pairs get a second chance, which they received on tonight’s episode, going on to win.

Jamie said,

‘After scoring 200 in our first game to say we were gutted would be an understatement, but to pull off a victory like that was something else.

‘I’d heard that BBC gameshows are notoriously vicious and this one was no different. Everyone wants to get their hands on that trophy.

‘The other contestants were pleasant but the green room was tense’.

Pointless isn’t the only success the pair have had together, in first-year they came second in Leeds RAG jailbreak, reaching Tenerife.

Jake Hookem and Fi Harris

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