Suspicious man reported near Business School

West Yorkshire Police have been alerted after a man fitting the profile of the Beeston bus stop rapist approached two women near Leeds University business school.

The two women, who are members of the Leeds University Rowing team, were returning home from the library on Sunday night when they were approached by the man.

One of the students involved has told The Gryphon, “We noticed a man coming towards us with a limp, wearing a white coat with black hoody underneath and dark trousers, but we continued walking.”

“He spotted us and then proceeded to cross the road to the bus stop. He then bent down and picked up a rock, and it was then we then stopped and realised what was going on.”

“We sprinted back up to University and immediately called the police.”

Since the initial report of the rape and attempted murder of a local Beeston woman on 6 March, there have been two further incidents regarding men fitting the same description, including reports of a woman who was approached on Cardigan Road at around 10.00am on Sunday morning.

The man in question has been described by West Yorkshire Police as having “a very distinctive walk, possibly a limp” and also as being “of Pakistani or Middle Eastern origin, aged in his early twenties, slim, with receding black hair”.

Although police are not yet sure whether these incidents are related to the attempted sexual assault of a 23-year-old woman outside the popular Skyrack pub on Saturday, they are appealing to anyone with any information regarding any of the incidents to come forward urgently.

Anyone with any information is asked to contact the Homicide and Major Enquiry Team on 01924 334710 or via 101 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.


Alice Handy & Greg Whitaker

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