Interview – Butler & Bontan

Leeds students know better than anyone that West Yorkshire is a fantastic area to be a house music fan. It has been a hotbed for club music since the late 80s, and is as strong as ever today, with huge events taking place every week, often in exhilaratingly intimate settings. And from this scene have emerged two more stunning DJs who, in a new collaborative project, are channelling spirit of house that has fuelled the North’s scene over the years. These two rapidly rising stars, who are voyaging the world, but with a yearning eye on their northern home, are Josh Butler and Bontan.

How did the collaboration come about? What were you trying to achieve?

Josh & Bontan: We wanted to pay homage to the original house sound that got us both hooked many years ago. We want to share with the younger generation where we got our influences from.

What do you each bring to the decks that is unique? How do you complement each other? 

Josh: Our ‘Be True’ sets are strictly House music and we try to play older tracks as much as possible. I’ve been playing loads of vinyls released during the 90s on labels like King Street, Nervous, Strictly Rhythm etc…

Bontan: It’s special when we come together because we can really explore entwining our own styles into one. We both have different ways we like to DJ but I feel we have found the perfect compromise with the ‘Be True’ concept.

Is the collaboration somewhat brought about by the often solitary DJ lifestyle? What is it really like being a DJ on the road alone? How have you found touring together, and how is it different from going alone? 

Josh: The project was brought about purely for the music. Sharing what we believe is true house music. Playing solo and b2b both come with their own advantages. It certainly makes a nice change ever so often.

Bontan: Like Josh said it was brought together purely for the love of house music. It’s always fun having someone else there to share your experiences with.

Bontan, what is your approach to remixing? Can you talk us through the process from selecting a song to producing it? 

Bontan: First of all I have to find elements in the original record that I really love. Before accepting the remix I spend a few hours playing around with the parts I like to see if I can get a feel for them. Then it just goes from there! Sometimes it takes a few hours to complete a record but sometimes it takes a few weeks.

What sort of vibe can we expect from a Butler & Bontan set? How would you describe your sound?

Josh: Classy, often soulful House for the dance floor.

Bontan: Good, solid house music… new & old!

What are your musical backgrounds? 

Josh: No particular style, I’ve always been very open to genres but predominately electronic based stuff. If it’sa band, I generally only get excited if they incorporate electronic elements into their sound. Dub Reggae is a perfect example.

Bontan: I got my music schooling at the Southport weekender so I grew up on very deep, soulful house music.

What are you listening to currently? 

Josh: Coronation Street theme tune.

Bontan: Classic FM on my phone.

We are on the verge of summer. Do you prefer the darkness of clubs in winter or the light of festivals in summer, considering your fairly dark releases? Will you be playing festivals together? 

Josh: I actually kinda like coming out of a club when it’s light. You can’t beat a good festival though when the weather is right!

Bontan: I love the feeling of playing music to a crowd in the day time with the sun shining.

How has clubbing changed since you’ve been on the scene? Is it improving?

Josh: That all depends on the club, city & crowd. Our scene is in a pretty good place right now. As long as people are coming out for the right reasons (to enjoy music)… I’m happy.

Bontan: I feel like people are getting into house music younger & younger, which isn’t a bad thing! I love to see a crowd with a huge age range. From 18 all the way up to 60! It’s rare to see but great when you do.

Catch Josh Butler play at Mint Club on 17th April 2015 for Magna Carta presents Resonance x Lost Records

[Oliver Walkden]

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