University unveil Richard Mayne memorial bench

Yesterday saw the unveiling of a bench, opposite the Union building, in memory of Leeds maths and finance undergraduate, Richard Mayne, who lost his life in the downing of Malaysian Airlines flight, MH17.

The memorial service was led by the University’s Church of England Chaplain, Matt Ward, with family, relatives, friends and members of the LUU Exec in attendance to commemorate Richard’s life.

In a speech, Richard’s mother, Liz Mayne addressed his friends and peers by saying: ‘He wanted gold and he would have wanted you to want it too. Achieve for him but most of all achieve for yourself, become that of what he would’ve wanted.’

Professor Alastair M Rucklidge, Head of the School of Mathematics, who also gave a speech on behalf of the school spoke of Richard as someone with ‘a bright future’, and described him as ‘a friendly and interesting student who asked questions that would not only be of benefit to him, but to other students.’

A Facebook event to inform students of the memorial was set up by Libby Atherton, a close friend of Richard’s. She told the newspaper, ‘He was my best friend. It was incredible to have such a huge turnout today, it really shows how much he meant to so many people and what a huge hole this has left in all of our lives. We miss him every day’.

A Just Giving page which was set up by Richard Mayne in February 2014, has raised over £14, 000 in his name for Kidasha, a Nepalese charity that aims to support young children with diabetes. Anyone wishing to make further donations has been asked to consider supporting Leicestershire Parents’ Group Diabetes UK.

His parents say ‘Richard lived with his diabetes for 12 years and we would be just as happy to see any future donations passed on to the charity, which was also close to Richard’s heart’.

During the memorial, it was also announced that the University will be naming an award in memory of Mr Mayne.


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