Martial Arts – A health journey for life

It’s Healthy Week 2015 and hopefully a few of us will be resurrecting those failed New Year’s resolutions and aiming to redeem ourselves. With so many workout plans available on the internet, including advice from your local gym, it can be difficult knowing where to start finding the best way to keep fit.

Getting into martial arts can be an excellent way to reach your goal weight and stay there, as well as many other physical and mental benefits to your health and well-being.

You may be nervous to join a club for several different reasons but it’s always worth speaking to an instructor or current members. Most clubs at the university offer free first classes so don’t be shy to ask. If you’re worried that martial arts places too much emphasis on sparring or fighting, don’t worry. There is no emphasis on violence but the importance of discipline and respect are highly stressed. With so many different styles to choose from, you’ll be able to find something to suit your tastes.

Other benefits of taking up a martial art include improved self image, greater strength and flexibility and better concentration. Martial-arts classes are total-body workouts and so you’ll burn plenty of calories. Due to the shared goals and positive encouragement amongst members, as well as respect for values; increased self confidence is one of the greatest benefits. You’ll become more comfortable in any task that takes you outside your comfort zone and will be able to accomplish anything you set your mind to.

All clubs are extremely welcoming environments with members all looking out for each other and helping each other to achieve their goals. You’ll never get the same kind of support anywhere else which is vital when working towards a fitness challenge. If you want to find out about the martial arts on offer at Leeds, visit the Clubs and Societies pages on the Leeds University Union website and contact the clubs for more information on joining.

Tay-Yibah Aziz

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