LUU Dance Show focused on film and resulted in an unforgettable night

Leeds University Union has always been proud to host award winning dance societies with such creative flair one has to wonder how a single university can have so many talented people in one small space. Year upon year the LUU Dance Show provides a platform for showcasing this incredible ability, and the 2015 show was quite possibly one of the best yet. All of the dance societies from the university were invited along to perform, have fun and represent their skill no matter their dance style and all collaborated to create what can only be described as an unforgettable night.

This year’s theme was film, with the majority of societies focusing on childhood  favourites and classic hits that most of the audience were familiar with.  It was interesting to see how each of the dance styles incorporated the stories of the films into their choreography. Some of the societies really went all out with the theme and stand out performances included Irish Dance’s interpretation of of Rocky, StreetDance’s Game of Thrones themed sequence and Vertical Fitness’ inspiring routine based on Frozen. All were performances worthy of West End shows and I would defy any audience member to say they weren’t impressed. That’s without even mentioning one of the evening’s most powerful and emotional pieces of art from the Freestyle Contemporary group – anyone with a dance background in this style would regard them highly for such a moving performance.

The whole show isn’t down to just down to the performers themselves though, and it’s important to remember that a lot of what made the night so spectacular were the aesthetics achieved through music, set and lighting. The credit for all of these things should go to Backstage Society, who really do deserve applause, as without their hard work and dedication it’s fair to say we’d be left with a far less dazzling experience.

The Leeds Uni Dance representative Jordan Steel should be extremely pleased with the performance put on across the four nights at the Riley Smith. Every last, step, every formation and beat accounted for and it was evident there was real passion on stage. The remarkable thing is the dancers truly looked like they was having fun, which is half the key to success and undoubtedly will ensure that the LUU Dance show will continue for many more years to come.

Emily Willson

Image: Luu Dance Show/ Facebook

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